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We have a total of 24 Spanish tutors registered here at Tutor Hunt. Our tutors can teach in-person or through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Spanish tutors through our lesson scheduling system. We offer local Spanish teachers who can also provide online tuition if you do not wish to travel. Start searching for your perfect Spanish tutor today!
24 Spanish Tutors
English, Life Coaching, Maths and Spanish (Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE, Secondary and Adult Learner)
$62.5 - $87.5
/ hr
I`m currently a Primary School Teacher with over 19 years of teaching experience.
Outside schooling hours, I tutor small groups and also one to one.
My areas of...
Mission Bay, Auckland
Hi! My name is Florencia and I am from Uruguay. I am travelling for New Zealand with a Working Holiday Visa.
Spanish (Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE, Adult Learner, Secondary and University)
/ hr
Hi! my name is Antonella, I`m from Chile and I love teaching my native language. I use a variety of strategies for you to have fun while you learn.
Parnell, Auckland
Spanish (Secondary, Adult Learner, Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level and NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE)
/ hr
I am Spanish teacher, creative professional, with ease and willingness to learn, group management skills. My goal as a teacher is to foster a positive and friendly en...
Picton, Marlborough
Microbiology and Spanish (Secondary, University, Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE and Adult Learner)
$37.5 - $50
/ hr
I live and work in New Zealand for the last 4 years. I enjoy this beautiful country and its lifestyle, I am an active person who enjoys sharing my knowledge and help s...
Mount Roskill, Auckland
Anthropology, Creative Writing, English, Film Making, Maths, Photography, Religious Studies and Span... (Secondary, Adult Learner, Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level and NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE)
/ hr
With 10+ years of experience, I am passionate about helping students of all ages love to learn. I have tutored students of diverse backgrounds around the world, in sub...
Queenstown, Otago
Spanish (Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE, Adult Learner, Secondary and University)
$50 - $62.5
/ hr
I did my Bachelor`s degree in English Studies at Murcia University and at Queen Mary University of London. I did a Master`s degree in Conference Interpreting at the Na...
Onehunga, Auckland
Spanish (Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE, Secondary and University)
/ hr
I am from Chile,am 30 years old, I have been in New Zealand for almost three years. I am a Secondary English Teacher by profession, I have got my degree in Chile. I h...
Grafton, Auckland
I´m patient and I like to work with kids.
Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty
English, Sociology and Spanish (NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE, Secondary and Primary)
$19 - $31.25
/ hr
I am a fun, enthusiast British girl with experience of teaching English as a foreign language in Spain. However, I can also speak Spanish and hold a degree in the subj...
Wellington Central, Wellington
English and Spanish (Primary, Adult Learner, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE and Secondary)
$25 - $31.25
/ hr
Hi I am bilingual (Spanish/English) and would love to help you out in what ever level you are in either Spanish or English.
Whangaparaoa, Auckland
I am Mexican and live in Mexico City. I lived in Adelaide, Australia for approximately 2 years, as I was studying a Masters degree. Currently, I am finishing a second...
I have taught students of all over the world,of different ages. When a person comes to me, the first thing I do is asking why or what for do you want to learn a new la...
Spanish (Primary, NCEA Levels 2-3 / International A-Level, NCEA Level 1 / IGCSE, Secondary and Adult Learner)
/ hr
I`m a primary teacher, and Adult Literacy tutor/Spanish tutor.
Carterton, Wellington
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13