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I was an EFL teacher for about 20 years and now run courses in French, Latin, Greek and Sanskrit as well as give private lessons I am flexible and can teach day and ev...
Auckland, Auckland (1.3 miles from centre)
Acting Head of Junior Science Acting Head of Chemistry NCEA Marking Experience Industry and Academic Research Experience Evenings on weekdays, weekends Since I have a...
Kohimarama, Auckland (1.3 miles from centre)
I also provide support for children with learning difficulties (SEN) helping them to deepen their understanding of concepts. I also help children overcome their frustr...
Auckland, Auckland (1.3 miles from centre)
top 5 (for Maths). I have been learning English for 12 years and studying in an English environment for 6 years and I am confident that my English is pro...
Meadowbank, Auckland (2 miles from centre)
tertiary tutor for 15 years
looking for new position after 10 years at present employer
Auckland, Auckland (2 miles from centre)
. 10 years teaching experience in financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting , Business Economics and all the related business subjects with pract...
Auckland, Auckland (2 miles from centre)
Currently tutor Chemistry, Biology and General Science at Arise & Shine Homework Centre, Mt Roskill Grammar School, Mt Roskill every Tuesday evening during school Term...
Auckland, Auckland (2 miles from centre)
Full fledged business and retail tutor
Auckland, Auckland (2 miles from centre)
For university students; Any level Economics Papers (100 - 300) 100 Level Accounting Papers All Bcom 100 level papers All Finance Papers (100 - 300) Math Papers L...
Auckland, Auckland (2.4 miles from centre)
I have tutored and am tutoring several students before in the above subjects. I am also happy to tutor in English and social studies up to NCEA level 2 I am based near...
Remuera, Auckland, Auckland (2.4 miles from centre)
I have previously tutored my little sister and I am now in my second year of coaching year 3 and 4 kids so I know how to take care of them. I also consistently tend to...
Auckland, Auckland (2.4 miles from centre)
I`m sure we can make a plan that suits your needs and it`s fun too. Contact me if you want us to have a first talk. I finished my last contract a few days ago so at th...
Auckland, Auckland (3.2 miles from centre)
- I`ll answer any questions that come up - I am currently tutoring students in NCEA Level 2 Economics and Accounting - I tutored throughout university in accounting, f...
Parnell, Auckland (3.4 miles from centre)
â I am based in Central Auckland â I teach Advanced Biology (NCEA level 2), along with NCEA level 1 general Science, and junior S...
Auckland, Auckland (3.4 miles from centre)
I`m happy to help students keep up with their current school work or teach ahead, it would depend on what pace the student is comfortable with. I`m patient and I under...
Auckland, Auckland (3.6 miles from centre)
My major qualifications are as follows: JD (Juris Doctor) with subject honors at NYU School of Law (2020) BA in History with Honors at Rice University (2017), minor in...
Auckland, Auckland (3.6 miles from centre)
I also love helping people communicate. For this reason, I studied Interpreting so that I can be the bridge between two different languages and cultures. I have been a...
Auckland, Auckland (3.6 miles from centre)
Independent, flexible and experienced.
Auckland, Auckland (3.7 miles from centre)
As an RTLB I having training and experience in working with children with special needs including autism , aspersers and ADHD children. My passion and expertise lie...
Panmure, Auckland (3.9 miles from centre)
The Mathematics Advisor, Edmonton 2001 â 2013 Instructor (Secondary Mathematics) Grant MacEwan College/University, Canada 1996 â ...
Auckland, Auckland (4 miles from centre)